Call for Papers

Why should you attend?
We need to co-create spaces for people to appropriate new technologies such as robots (Stevens and Pipek, 2018). For this, three questions are important: (1) How to include spatial aspects in design? (2) What could be learned in various spaces? (3) What role does the body play in human-robot interactions?

In this workshop we would like to contribute to how co-creative learning spaces can be supported in heterogeneous contexts and what different disciplines can say about learning and negotiation using the robots as an example.

Our plan is to publish the submitted papers. To do this, we plan to publish a workshop report in IRSI – an open source online journal (International Reports on Socio-Informatics (IRSI) – Internationales Institut für Sozio-Informatik (, where we will publish papers revised by the authors after the workshop. Finally, we also want to work with the workshop participants to extend their research further by inviting them to submit to a journal special issue on the workshop’s topic. To be able to continue the discussion around the topics of robots, we will agree on creating a communication channel with the participants. It is also pursued to enable a sustainable cooperation between the participants and to enable a future collaboration in production or research

Important dates
● May 3rd 2022: Deadline for paper submission;

● May 6th 2022: Acceptance notification;

● June 27th 2022: Participation and presentation


Potential participants, who are interested in the workshop, will be asked to submit a position paper. This paper should follow the ECSCW template (MS Word or Latex) and have no more than 5 pages including references.
We would like to encourage potential authors to refer to our three workshop topics in their contributions. Papers can address philosophical or theoretical considerations, present methodological insights, or empirical cases. Submissions will be sent by email. The organizers of this workshop will review the submitted papers and select them according to their quality, innovation as well as coherence with the three thematic foci: (1) space, (2) learning, and (3) embodiment.

We will notify participants of acceptance at an early stage so that both the early bird rate can be selected, and conference travels can be arranged in case of the offline or hybrid variants of the workshop.

Our goal is to include people from different disciplines in this workshop. The workshop is planned for 10 submissions with approximately 15 participants – this does not include the organizers. To recruit an adequate representation of participants, we will send out our call via email lists connected to the different institutions. These include HCI and (E)CSCW lists on the one hand, and interdisciplinary mailing lists on the other.

To participate, anyone interested must submit a current position paper that reflects their perspective or experience of co-creative lifelong learning spaces. The deadline for submission is May 3rd.  The paper has to be submitted as a pdf document by mail to the following address:

PDF download
Soon to be added

Important Dates

Paper Deadline
May 3rd, 2022

Notification of Acceptance
May 6th, 2022

Workshop @ ECSCW
June 27th, 2022

ECSCW Conference
June 27th – July 1st, 2022
Coimbra, Portugal

Important Links

ECSCW 2022 – Registration

ECSCW 2022 – Program